These were recorded sometime around late 2008/early 2009, a few months or so before I began to concieve the "alternative rap" music you hear on this blog.
1. Burger King Menu RapI have no idea how this came about, but it's pretty self-explanatory -- I rap/rhyme all the items on the Burger King menu for your listening pleasure. Recorded straight to Audacity (before my time with Mixcraft); beat is from my trusty old Casio keyboard. My parents constantly tease me whenever they hear this song about my unusual pronunciations of things, specifically "omelet" (which I do say correctly, according to and "one percent" (wumpacent). Also, in case you're checking the Burger King menu for whatever reason, you're out-of-luck -- the menu has sadly changed since then.
2. Old PeopleThis is a bizarre little ditty called "Old People" which I randomly started improvising one morning. I quickly rushed to the computer to record this song. It sounded amazing, but was unfortunately lost somehow. So I re-recorded it with Audacity, and ba-zing, this song.